29 oct. 2010
Are mama-un taurel, capos foc!
Nu sunt obsedata de horoscop, dar imi place sa cred ca unele lucruri din el sunt adevarate. Ca si zodie, intotdeauna m-am inteles bine cu taurii. M-am bucurat cand am vazut ca Stefan e taur, dar in acelasi timp am stiut ca o sa am de furca cu el, deoarece ca si zodie taurii sunt foarte incapatanati. Oricum, mai incapatanata zodie ca balanta nu exista, deci va dati seama ce scantei or iesi intre un taur si o balanta. Si, deja, au inceput sa iasa din cauza ca bebe al meu e foarte sclifosit uneori. Da! asa am zis, SCLIFOSIT! De ce? Pentru ca nu vrea sa ma lase sa-l pup de cate ori vreau eu. Si cand nu vrea, nu vrea si pace! Pai daca nu-l pup acum, cand o sa ma lase? Peste cativa ani o sa se faca ca nici nu ma cunoaste, cand o fi sa umble dupa fete nici nu mai vorbesc. Deci, concluzia, sau mai bine zis solutia, e sa-l oblig sa stea la pupat acum cat e bebe. :D
Leave the past behind, never look back
As I entitled my blog, "Pages of life", it represents events in my baby's life, progresses, new accomplishment's and so on and so forth. But I also write, sometimes, about minimal stuff representing something else other than my baby. This happens rarely, because I've created this blog for him. Today I woke up with the nasty feeling of a past that doesn't want to stay behind, and I wonder: why won't you leave me alone? Don't ask me to accept you on F.B (Facebook), because I will simply ignore your request. Once you have offended me, you're "gone" for good. For those who don't know me that well, I'm the kind of person who can forgive and who is comprehensive when needed, but I also have my limits. And I don't want to give up on them, especially for persons who aren't worth it!
Prima jumatate de an! La Multe Lunite, iubirica mea!!!
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